Meet our Mentors

They're the glue to our community.

They can provide the insights, support, and sounding board founders need.

Man presenting his company's pitch to a room full of investors from AmazonHelpful team smiles about new projectTeam from Amazon dives deep into project
Day One Syndicate doesn't exist without our mentors

They make the difference

user 1


Jay Dave

Group Product Manager

user 3

user 3
user 3

user 4

test 4
test 4

John Doe, CO Founder

Sara Marker, Designer

Atan Fidu, Developer

Atena Liti, Photographer

Why do mentors want to help?

Pay It Forward Mentality

We realize how important mentors are. Day One doesn't exist without them.

These mentors are comprised of leading technologists from Amazon. Each individual is hand-selected from our application process.

Cool mentor shows new founder from Amazon the best instructions